There are two approaches: the official one is when I tried to covert with the official Nokia program the .avi file in to .mp4 so the Real Player can play it. I tried it, but there was only sound - no image and no subtitles.
So i tried the unofficial aproach: I needed a coder and a player. The coder is PocketdivXEncoder - v0.3.60. This is really optimized for Pocket PC, but it is free and can be used for Symbian as well. The software - you have to install it on your PC - automatically recoqnizes that an .srt file is avaiable for subtitle, and it burnes it with the movies. It takes 40 minutes to code a 1,1 GB .avi file (with a 1 Ghz Intel Celeron 512 MB memory computer) and the result is a 200 MB file. I transferred it to my phone memory, where a newly installed player, DivX Player was waiting. And the result was awesome I was watching the movie on my new platform, on my mobile. :-D soo cool indeed.