Saturday, July 19, 2008

Theme for E65

Sholud we use a factory theme or one that was made by others?

These built in themes are optimized for the Nokia E65 or other Symbian phone, so they don't slow down the phone. Themes built by other are unique, individual, they reflect our personality, so there is a big chance no one is using them.

Official themes are boring, they can be found on anybody else's phone. Also, themes built by others can be very large, they can slow down the phone in an ubearable way. Namely they are disturbing the phone's functionality.

What I'm using?
After long periods of searching and tryouts I'm using the official Dots Blue theme. This is the closest to the DOts Green theme I'm desperately searching for, it's simple, plain, and does not slow down the phone.

Where can I find other themes?
If you are looking for good taste theme, this is your page. The themes are normal, good looking, it is wotrh going back to look for new ones.

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